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Næsti viðburður: 15. - 18. október 2022

Framtíðardagsetningar: 21st  - 24. október 2023

Blackpool Sequence Dance Festival mun nú eiga 72 ára afmæli sitt árið 2022, í hinum glæsilega Empress Ballroom, Winter Gardens. Fyrirkomulag hátíðarinnar hefur breyst í gegnum árin og nær hún nú yfir klassískan, nútímadans og latínudans.

Hátíðin tekur bæði til barna- og fullorðinskeppni. Breska meistaramótið er haldið öll þrjú kvöldin.

Uppfinningadanskeppnin er haldin á mánudaginn. Flokkarnir eru Classical Sequence, Modern Sequence og Latin Sequence. Vinningsdansarnir verða einnig kenndir á mánudaginn fyrir félaga, meðlimi og félaga sem tengjast breska dansráðinu og síðan almenningi.

Næg tækifæri eru til félagsdans á milli keppna og einnig á sunnudags- og þriðjudagseftirmiðdegi.

Blackpool dance festival

Sími: +44 (0)1253 625252
Vetrargarðarnir, Blackpool
Lancashire FY1 1HW, Englandi

By attending our events, whether as a participant or otherwise (e.g. as a spectator ), you acknowledge that images may be captured during the event using film photography, digital photography, video or other medium and may be used by the Festival Organisers for the purpose of live streaming and to promote the organisation and its work, or other future events by us via our websites, social media websites, promotional leaflets and brochures and other publicity material (such as internal and external newsletters). The images may also be provided to the media for publication in international or national newspapers or magazines. 
We acknowledge  our responsibilities in capturing images by photography or other means in particular with reference to: 
•    The Protection of Children Act 1978; 
•    An individual’s right to privacy under The Human Rights Act 1998; and 
•    The Data Protection Act 1998 
•    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 


The Organiser shall take no responsibility for the capture and use of any images taken at the event by any third party not directly engaged by us to do so on our behalf and accepts no liability for the actions of such third parties. 

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